The free games available to PlayStation Plus members in February have been revealed in a PlayStation Blog post.



With the remastered Bastion on the horizon, Supergiant Games’ stylish RPG Transistor is available for download this month. Originally released in May of 2014, Transistor was critically acclaimed for its strong soundtrack and memorable art style.



Also on PS4 is glazed-pot-‘em-up Apotheon, a sidescrolling action game set in ancient Greece. Players battle against the gods for the freedom of humanity, utilising a varied arsenal of weaponry, and platforming to reach Mount Olympus.



On PlayStation 3, the latest instalment into the renowned Thief series is available for download. Thief updates the franchise, adding an expansive hub city to explore. Sadly, only the PS3 version is offered however.

Yakuza 4

Yakuza 4

Also on PS3 is Yakuza 4. This iteration of Sega’s venerable series came to Japan as long ago as 2010. But this crime brawler is still well worth a play.


Kick & Fennick

Coming to PlayStation Vita, is platforming adventure Kick & Fennick. Developed by Jaywalkers Interactive, this “easygoing” game follows a young boy through a story filled with friendship and robots.

Rogue Legacy

Rogue Legacy is available for Cross-Buy, meaning it’s playable on all three platforms. This rogue-lite action platformer by Cellar Door Games came out in 2013, as you take the role of a brave knight tasked with exploring an ever changing castle packed with brutal enemies. When inevitable death strikes, players continue as the next knight in the family, with each new heir having their own combination of special strengths and weaknesses. Some are short sighted, making the edges of the screen blurry, while others only leave a trail of amusing flatulence behind them.

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