Metroid II remake

It’s the 30th anniversary of the original Metroid this week, and Nintendo is celebrating by letting off one small party popper at its Kyoto HQ. However, the fans have other ideas for how to mark this auspicious occasion. Yesterday saw the release of the long-teased fan remake of its GameBoy sequel Metroid II, after over eight years of development. I played it a little last night, and it’s excellent so far: a great game in its own right, whether you’ve played Metroid II: Return of Samus or not (I haven’t). Continue reading Metroid II remake

Lucky’s Tale review

Lucky is not a new Mario. He’s not Banjo, Sonic, or any of the other beloved anthropomorphised furbags many of us remember as pioneers of platforming. He’s adorable and entertaining, well-designed to be the mascot of an Oculus Rift launch game, but lacks a distinct personality, instead relying on cliches that keep him from truly standing on his own as a character who can come to symbolize a new platform. And like the bouncy fox himself, Lucky’s Tale evokes fond memories of the great 3D platformers that define the genre, but feels somewhat half-baked—introducing you to an assortment of fun enemies and obstacles, but then reusing them for the short duration of the game.


Continue reading Lucky’s Tale review

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