Multiplayer Ships Coming Right to Elite:Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous developer Frontier announced on Friday that multi-crew ships and an avatar creator will be part of its new season of DLC, dubbed Horizons, in 2016. We already knew that the galaxy-sized flight sim would introduce planetary landings later this year, but ships crewed by groups of players has also been high on players’ wishlist since the game arrived on Kickstarter in 2012. Continue reading Multiplayer Ships Coming Right to Elite:Dangerous

Rainbow Six Siege Excludes Single Player Campaign

I’ve played numerous Rainbow Six games.All of them  had single player campaign.But not this one,no single player campaign.Ubisoft decided to take the crown called greediest of all.And wear it proudly,indeed.Too much money involved – and you get five-hundredth or so, online game – which comes from this logic – we will make online game that is the prime gaming now,you cannot crack it,but  lots of people will be playing this because they want instant action, we’ll take your money anyway and it is a win win situation. Continue reading Rainbow Six Siege Excludes Single Player Campaign

Price for Headset Oculus Rift will be around 300dollars

In an interview at the Oculus Connect developer’s conference this afternoon, VP of Product Nate Mitchell told me that the consumer headset, launching in the first quarter of 2016, will cost “at least $300.” The planned consumer Rift will include the headset, sensor, and Xbox One controller. Continue reading Price for Headset Oculus Rift will be around 300dollars

ADR1FT Will be Oculus Rift Title

Adr1ft, the “first-person experience” about dying horribly in the cold void of space, looks gorgeous, in the same sort of way that SOMA looks like it’ll be a lot of fun: The graphics are incredibly lifelike and the view is unbeatable, and that jagged piece of debris that’s coming at you like a bullet  unless you do something about it in the next roughly two seconds. Continue reading ADR1FT Will be Oculus Rift Title

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