Set in a dystopian future, players fight to protect “Super Earth,” where a managed democracy has blurred the lines between military and government rule. We are losing the war, and the HELLDIVERS are the last line of defense against three invading enemy species. Continue reading HELLDIVERS
Ground Breakers
Ground Breakers is a Turn based tactic game that breaks traditional class system. Each unit is unique with endless ways of customization.The process of acquiring new units is also fun in itself, you must find each part of a robot and integrate them to get it without knowing the recipes. Continue reading Ground Breakers
New RPG hit the scene – Balrum. Continue reading BALRUM
This ultra, skills based game is an unconstrained, physics based platform game, which can be played in three modes. There is no convoluted back story or adventure included. Your goal: collect all the gems as fast as possible. No monkeying around: just sheer madness! Continue reading DEXTERITY BALL 3D
Just Cause 3 is a game about pulling insane, death-defying stunts while destroying everything in sight with spectacular fireball explosions. The problem is, both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions fail when Rico Rodriguez’s over-the-top action needs them the most.
Sega Reveals Trailer for Yakuza – newest game in the series
Sega revealed the latest on Yakuza 6 with a look at a new trailer that was showcased during an event in Tokyo
Continue reading Sega Reveals Trailer for Yakuza – newest game in the series
Interactive Narrative Adventure Called KONA
A survival adventure called Kona is unusual survival game.It is a horror deffinitely.But it has its own features. Continue reading Interactive Narrative Adventure Called KONA
JENNY LeCLUE Murder Mistery Coming Soon
Jenny LeClue is an upcoming adventure video game developed by Mografi. The game is scheduled for release in late 2015 to early 2016 for Windows, OS X, iOS, and Linux. Continue reading JENNY LeCLUE Murder Mistery Coming Soon
Nagrade za najbolje igre godine u raznim kategorijama bice dodeljene u Los Andjelesu 3.decembra 2015.Na osnovu odluke zirija ce se proglasiti pobednici.Za sada vodi The Witcher 3,barem po broju nominacija – 7 u razlicitim kategorijama.Pogledajte sve nominovane u tekstu ispod. Continue reading THE GAME AWARDS 2015
RESIDENT EVIL mod restores 1996 voice acting
Resident Evil mod called Resident Evill 1996 voice acting is completed and ready for download.
Continue reading RESIDENT EVIL mod restores 1996 voice acting