
Currently, Insomniac is working on Ratchet and Clank for the PS4, which is a re-imagining of the original title and a virtual reality adventure title called, Edge of Nowhere. This short little video seems to be teasing an adventure that takes place under the sea. You can check it out above.

The teaser is titled “What’s Next?” and pans down deeper and deeper into an ocean, showing off sea life, sunken ruins and what appears to be underwater machinery. The teaser concludes with the words “Dive deeper” and the date and time of Insomniac’s new reveal: Jan. 28, 8:30 a.m. CT. Polygon will have details on the new Insomniac Games title then.

What do you think Insomniac is teasing here? Let us know in the comments and be on the lookout for an official reveal in the coming days, January 28th at 8:30 a.m. to be exact.

It looks like it might be another VR game maybe exclusive to PS VR since the other VR title is exclusive to OculusRift.

Stay tuned to and follow us on Facebook&Twitter for news to come.

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