Monster Hunter: World is “targeting a stable 30fps across all platforms,” according to a tweet from a Capcom community manager, which could be taken to mean that the PC version will either be locked to or designed for low framerates. However, the tweet was in response to a question about the console versions, and we’ve confirmed that this statement doesn’t apply to the PC. Continue reading Monster Hunter: World
Monthly Archives: May 2017
AMD Ryzen
No sixpack, but double the cores means double the fun
Assassins Creed TV Series on Netflix is coming
Taman kada je u prethodnoj godini nastalo zatisje u Ubisoftu oko Assassins Creed fransize, pojavile su se glasine da kompanija pregovara oko emitovanja igrane serije na Netflix-u.Jedina proslogodisnja aktivnost je bio film.A sada, Aymar Azaiza,glavni covek za sadrzaj AC serije, je otkrio velike planove na Reddit-u . Continue reading Assassins Creed TV Series on Netflix is coming
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U video game consoles. The game is a part of The Legend of Zelda series, and follows amnesiac protagonist Link, who awakens from a hundred-year slumber to a mysterious voice that guides him to defeat Calamity Ganon before he can destroy the kingdom of Hyrule. Continue reading The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Gaming news may
Bethesda se udruzuje sa AMD-om
Kao sto je i ocekivano, AMD je pomalo pricao o dolazecoj VEGA GPU arhitekturi grafickih karata tokom njhovog eventa Capsaicin & Cream na gejming konvenciji GDC 2017.Nova generacija ce se zvati Radeon RX Vega, radije nego da je nazivaju po brojevima.Medjutim, jedan od sefova u Radeon kompaniji, Raja Koduri, je objavio jedinstveno partnerstvo izmedju Bethesda-e i AMD-a. Continue reading Bethesda se udruzuje sa AMD-om
Indie horror Claire has been given a makeover and was released on PS4 and Vita as a cross-buy title today. The original has been available on Steam since July 2014, where it has garnered positive reviews from PC players. This is a survival horror to its core, pitting its main character against a world where everything seems determined to kill her. Continue reading Claire