
Tangiers is a dark, uneasy game – an exploration of broken cities and landscapes.

“…Tangiers must see the light of day, and I trust in Mr Harvey’s passion to see that happen.” – Rock, Paper, Shotgun

“…striking art style and bold ideas have certainly left me hungry to find out more.” – Eurogamer

“I don’t know where Tangiers has been hiding, but I’m glad it’s finally emerged from the shadows of its stark industrial environment…” – PCGamer

Tangiers is a blend of stealth and exploration for Windows, Mac and Linux built within the Unity engine. Continue reading Tangiers


Sometimes, the best outcomes in life are astonishingly happenstance. I never meant to review Detention, but it landed in my inbox during a particularly busy time for all of our writers. The game looked good, but the trailer did not set it apart from the crowd of games residing in my action list. It sat for a moment, nearly forgotten, until CJ reminded me that it needed to be covered. I accepted that task, downloaded the game, and thought I could sneak a quick look at it between chapters of some other games I am trying to review. Continue reading Detention