Navigate a tale as unpredictable as the seas in this thrilling arcade game brought to life with naval battles that will blow you away! Vibrant visuals and oldschool gameplay collide to provide a shoot em’ and loot em’ adventure you won’t want to miss. Pursue a legendary adversary across Caribbean waves, Asian thunderstorms and the deceptive calm of the Sargasso Sea. Can you send hordes of skeleton boats, turtle ships and great warships to Davey Jones while chasing visions of riches and revenge? Continue reading Revenge of Roger Rouge
Daily Archives: April 29, 2016
Rot Gut
Rot Gut is an action packed platformer set in America’s 1920’s Prohibition era. You take control of an agent who, to uncover their mysteries, goes on a mission to fight the city’s underground armed to the teeth organizations. Continue reading Rot Gut
No Man’s Sky – how they did it
No Man’ Sky je ogromna igra sa preko trilion mogucih planeta u njoj.Zamisljena kao impresivan projekat igra treba da se pojavi krajem juna.Evo sta autori pricaju o samom kreiranju igre,lore-u u njoj,oruzjima,planetama i brodovima. Continue reading No Man’s Sky – how they did it