Set in a dystopian future, players fight to protect “Super Earth,” where a managed democracy has blurred the lines between military and government rule. We are losing the war, and the HELLDIVERS are the last line of defense against three invading enemy species. Continue reading HELLDIVERS
Tag Archives: playstation
Sega Reveals Trailer for Yakuza – newest game in the series
Sega revealed the latest on Yakuza 6 with a look at a new trailer that was showcased during an event in Tokyo
Continue reading Sega Reveals Trailer for Yakuza – newest game in the series
Narcosis has been mentioned somewhere during the autumn 2014.Game is all about deep sea survival horror atmosphere. We do not know just yet when well be available to dive into the depths of pacific sunless sea. Continue reading NARCOSIS
New Indie Game Called FURI is coming
A new quirky sci-fi hack-and-slash called “Furi” was announced couple weeks ago along with a slick new trailer. You can check it out below.
HALO 5 :GUARDIANS new Trailer
With the upcoming launch of Halo 5: Guardians on October 27, 2015, the launch gameplay trailer for the game has been released. Continue reading HALO 5 :GUARDIANS new Trailer
The Witcher 3 patch 1.10
The Witcher 3 je izbacio novi patch.Kako je rekao Marcin Momot iz CD Project-a,patch ukljucuje popravke za razne questove,igra ce raditi glatkije,dodatne konverzacije su takodje ubacene, Continue reading The Witcher 3 patch 1.10
Far Cry Primal takes back player to stone age.At the time described man was deffinitely not on the top of the food chain.Danger lurking all around the place. Continue reading FAR CRY PRIMAL
Sony Online Entertainment has opened sign-ups for the upcoming Planetside 2 beta on PlayStation 4. You can head to the game’s website today and leave your email address for a chance to get in. Continue reading PLANETSIDE 2 BETA SIGN-UPS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PS4
RIDE lets you choose from over 100 accessories to customise your bike and rider. Collect over 100 bike models from 14 different motorcycle manufacturers. Race in 15 different locations around the world and follow the World Tour, participating in the Motorbike Festivals. Win every race to become the best rider in the world! Continue reading RIDE for PLAYSTATION
PES 2016
PES 2016 could be one of the best football games Konami made,but I say could be,because I have strong sense that Konami just do not care that much about PC version.Read further. Continue reading PES 2016