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Mortal Kombat, novi nastavak jedne od najpopularnijih borilackih igara,je na pragu izlaska. Igra treba da se pojavi u aprilu ove godine.Igra je nastala jos 1992 kao produkt studija  Midway GamesChicago. Na Playstation 1 igra pristize 1996. godine i to kao triologija.Nakon bankrota studija 2011.godine rad na igri preuzima Warner Bros. Continue reading MORTAL KOMBAT X


Mad Max is an upcoming single-player third-person open-world action and adventure game.There is standalone story that moves this video game and it is not tied to the movie. Avalanche studios is responsible for game making and Warner Bros is publisher of this game that is expected to be released on september 1, 2015 and it will be available for Playstation,PC and XboX. Continue reading MAD MAX