Tag Archives: Coming Soon
Metro Exodus coming in february
Metro Exodus je treća u nizu Metro igra bazirana na novelama Dmitrija Gluhovskog (Dmitry Glukhovsky).Radnja se nastavlja na dogadjaje iz Metro 2033 i Metro Last Light igara.Ponovo će biti pomešani survival horor elementi u postapokalipticnom okruzenju bivše Ruske Federacije i borićete se kako protiv mutanata,tako i protiv ljudi.
Trials Rising
Trials Rising je 2.5D trkacka igra na kojoj rade studio RedLynx i Kijevski departman Ubisoft-a. U pitanju je multiplayer i bice na svim modernim platformama od Windowsa do Androida i Playstation-a. Continue reading Trials Rising
Dawn of Man
U Dawn of Man preuzimate ulogu coveka ,zajednice,naseobine i vodite ih kroz vekove u njihovoj borbi za opstankom.MadrugaWorks su autori ove igre, a poznati su po igri Planetbase. Continue reading Dawn of Man
Frostpunk – desperate people struggling to maintain the city
Dirt 4 preview – coming in june
DiRT 4 is all about embracing fear. It’s about the thrill, exhilaration and adrenaline that is absolutely vital to off-road racing. It’s about loving the feeling of pushing flat out next to a sheer cliff drop, going for the gap that’s too small and seeing how much air you can get. Be Fearless Continue reading Dirt 4 preview – coming in june
Monster Hunter: World
Monster Hunter: World is “targeting a stable 30fps across all platforms,” according to a tweet from a Capcom community manager, which could be taken to mean that the PC version will either be locked to or designed for low framerates. However, the tweet was in response to a question about the console versions, and we’ve confirmed that this statement doesn’t apply to the PC. Continue reading Monster Hunter: World
AMD Ryzen
No sixpack, but double the cores means double the fun
Assassins Creed TV Series on Netflix is coming
Taman kada je u prethodnoj godini nastalo zatisje u Ubisoftu oko Assassins Creed fransize, pojavile su se glasine da kompanija pregovara oko emitovanja igrane serije na Netflix-u.Jedina proslogodisnja aktivnost je bio film.A sada, Aymar Azaiza,glavni covek za sadrzaj AC serije, je otkrio velike planove na Reddit-u . Continue reading Assassins Creed TV Series on Netflix is coming
The Long Dark – coming in april!
Open-world survival naslov – The Long Dark je usao u Steam early access jos 2014 i od tada je dostupan samo ljudima koji su podrzali Kickstarter kampanju.Medjutim, ono na sta se prilicno dugo ceka je story mode koji su autori obecali i tada bi naslov trebalo da bude dostupan svima.Na sajtu developera se pojavilo odbrojavanje i to moze da znaci da je igra spremna. Continue reading The Long Dark – coming in april!