Sajt je nastao nakon hiljada odigranih igara, distinktivno pravi razliku izmedju igara i igrica, inspirisan mnogobrojnim stranim sajtovima, a kod nas , u Srbiji, jos uvek nezastupljena tema.Igre za PC,Xbox, Playstation, njihove najave i opisi ce biti najvise zastupljeni na sajtu.Potrudicemo se da i ostale video igre budu zastupljene, kao sto su browser igre, igre za mobilne platforme – uglavnom android, retro igre, takmicenja itd.Opisi igara, najave, zakrpe, trejleri, tutorijali, kao i online igrice ce biti dostupne na sajtu.Pored toga sto su glavni sadrzaj video igre, jos toga ce biti prisutno na sajtu.
Author of this website is graduated software engineer,graduated in 2011on theme Java Server Faces.Video games are my passion and somethin’ that made me, many years ago, interested to learn more about computers, more about hardware and finally to get involved in programming software.
Feel free to contact if you have suggestion, need advice or you want to get yourself your own website. email:
What is this site about
While I will try to put effort to offer news about games yet to be released, I will also try to give my own opinion about games I’ve played. Video games became growing industry in these years. Writing about them is something I enjoy, because it is not just one fun afternoon, hey, lets play. No! There are games that rightly deserved to be considered modern literature, either trough feeling that they offer while you play them, or story that is presented in them, not to mention characters that can match characters from movies.
So to conclude this part, enjoyment to play video games I will try to transfer to this website by writing about them.Hope that You will enjoy, too…
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