
Sometimes, the best outcomes in life are astonishingly happenstance. I never meant to review Detention, but it landed in my inbox during a particularly busy time for all of our writers. The game looked good, but the trailer did not set it apart from the crowd of games residing in my action list. It sat for a moment, nearly forgotten, until CJ reminded me that it needed to be covered. I accepted that task, downloaded the game, and thought I could sneak a quick look at it between chapters of some other games I am trying to review. Continue reading Detention

On Rusty Trails

It’s difficult, in the modern day, to really put together entirely original ideas in the platformer genre. On Rusty Trails, aware of this, doesn’t bring much that’s new or innovative to the table. Instead, it relies on precise execution of concepts that players are already familiar with. By shying away from complicated new ideas, this deceptively complex title builds a wonderfully designed world of puzzles and lightning-fast reactions to create a fun and challenging experience. Continue reading On Rusty Trails

Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands is an upcoming open world tactical shooter video game in development by Ubisoft Paris and after The Division’s success, Ubisoft is taking another stab at the open-world tactical shooter. Except, this time, you’ll be riding across the desert instead of trudging through the plague-ridden snow. Acting as the tenth installment in the Ghost Recon franchise and the very first with a fully-featured open world, Wildlands takes us to the open plains of Bolivia.
Continue reading Tom Clancys Ghost Recon Wildlands

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