System Shock remake coming soon
Last week, Nightdive Studios teased new in-game PC footage of its forthcoming System Shock remaster. Running on Unreal Engine 4, some prospective players suggested the reimagined Citadel Station looked better when powered by Unity—as it had been in last year’s pre-alpha demo. The game’s director Jason Fader has now addressed why Unreal was chosen, where he and his team’s priorities lie, and what a “faithful reboot” exactly entails. Continue reading System Shock remake coming soon
Humble Monthly Bundle ili skromna mJesecna prodaja
Humble Monhtly Bundle je startovao 03.marta i u njemu postoji ponuda raznolikih igara sa znacajno smanjenim cenama.Ponuda ce trajati do 07.aprila. Continue reading Humble Monthly Bundle ili skromna mJesecna prodaja
Tactical RPG All Walls Must Fall
Takticki RPG All Walls Must Fall je smesten u fiktivni period hladnog rata u Istocnom Berlinu. Igru pravi studio Inbetweengames koji je sacinjen od bivsih clanova studija Yager i igara kao sto je Spec Ops.U istocnom Berlinu hladni rat i dalje traje,Berlinski zid je tu i radnja je smestena u 2089.godinicu.Igra ce vam ponuditi da prebrodite opasnosti pomocu opcija kao sto su nocni zivot, putovanje kroz vreme, da budete drustveno neprimetni ,kako god vi odlucili u toku igranja. Continue reading Tactical RPG All Walls Must Fall
Dark Souls 3 update 1.32 will be out soon
Despite the fact some Dark Souls players can take down its toughest bosses scantily clad, at Souls Level 1, and on New Game Plus 7, The Ringed City DLC is easily one of the series’ trickiest outings. With this in mind, its latest update 1.32 installs a number of buffs and nerfs which should aid faltering players—not least by toning down those blasted lighting-spewing angels of the Dreg Heap. Continue reading Dark Souls 3 update 1.32 will be out soon
The Curious Expedition addon Arctic Region
Radoznala ekspedicija ce se uputiti ka jednom od najnemilosrdnijih,najneistrazenijih, ali i najnetaknutijih ljudskom pohlepom delova sveta, ka bijelom Arktiku. Continue reading The Curious Expedition addon Arctic Region
Stardew Valley Multiplayer
Izdavaci igre, developerska kompanija Chucklefish, autori igara Wanderlust i Starbound, objavili su da rade na multiplayer opciji za Stardew Valley, ali nisu sigurni kada ce biti zavrsena. Continue reading Stardew Valley Multiplayer
Oculus Rift Cutting Prices Off and Robo Recall Game
Oculus Rift, ili set za igranje virtuelnih naslova, je kostao 600$ kada je lansiran u prodaju, negde u prolece 2016.A sada, cena ce biti 600$ ali i za Oculus Rift i za kontrolere zajedno, sto znaci da je po 100$ smanjena cena za oba produkta.Znaci ,samo Oculus Rift sada ce kostati 500$. Continue reading Oculus Rift Cutting Prices Off and Robo Recall Game