
Fortnite je postao globalni fenomen o kome se prica i u sferama koje su izvan gejminga.Na proslavama pogodaka u americkom fudbalu, u evropskom fudbalu, ragbiju,na filmu, u muzickim spotovima se koriste raznorazne referencew na igru.Trenutno Fortnite belezi oko 210 registrovanih igraca,sto je apsolutni rekord,s’ obzirom da se igra pojavila u avgustu 2017. Continue reading Fortnite

Player Unknown’s Battleground

PUBG je shooter u Battle Royal stilu gde 100 igraca slece na izmisljeno istocno evropsko ostrvo i borba pocinje gde na kraju pobedjuje jedan jedini.Za kratko vreme, jos u Early acess-u PUBG  je osvojio scenu u velikom stilu.I to ne toliko gamplay-om ili grafikom, koliko atmosferom, dugo zanemarivanim faktorom u industriji zabave na samo u igrama.Ovo je revolucionarna igra, ne samo zbog svog dizajna, vec i zbog toga kako su uzdrmani neki standardi koje znamo vec godinama.Evo kako. Continue reading Player Unknown’s Battleground

Dirt 4 preview – coming in june

DiRT 4 is all about embracing fear. It’s about the thrill, exhilaration and adrenaline that is absolutely vital to off-road racing. It’s about loving the feeling of pushing flat out next to a sheer cliff drop, going for the gap that’s too small and seeing how much air you can get. Be Fearless Continue reading Dirt 4 preview – coming in june

Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World is “targeting a stable 30fps across all platforms,” according to a tweet from a Capcom community manager, which could be taken to mean that the PC version will either be locked to or designed for low framerates. However, the tweet was in response to a question about the console versions, and we’ve confirmed that this statement doesn’t apply to the PC.  Continue reading Monster Hunter: World

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