Category Archives: Reviews

Rise of Nations:Extended Edition

Rise of Nations is a real-time strategy computer game, developed by Big Huge Games and published by Microsoft Game Studios on May 20, 2003. The development of the game was led by veteran game designer Brian Reynolds, of Civilization II and Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri. The game has taken several concepts from turn-based strategy games such as territories and attrition warfare.Rise of Nations features 18 civilizations, playable through 8 ages of world history. Continue reading Rise of Nations:Extended Edition

The Forest

The number one game on Steam right now is The Forest, coming from independent british studio Endnight. Survival horror game puts a player on island  where he  got to survive. Build, explore terrain on this open-world island as you climb on mountains, swim in sea or go in caves.As the autors said it is terrifying first-person experience.As the audience said – they keep purchasing the game.Game was pre-released on may 29th, and official release is through Steam service on may 30th. Continue reading The Forest


Transistor is a wildly smart action-RPG that places all of its trust into your intelligence. Nothing from its cyberpunk story rife with mysteries, to its deep combat that encourages experimentation, is ever spelled out for you, which I personally loved. For its second game, developer Supergiant takes everything that felt right about Bastion’s world and storytelling, trims much of the fat, and adds depth to combat that turns each encounter in its six hours into a life-or-death puzzle. Continue reading Transistor



Blockbuster BF 4 je dobio prvi expansion pack – “China Rising“.Za premium korisnike dodatak je postao dostupan 3.decembra 2013., a za sve ostale 17.decembra 2013.Na sajtu Battlelog je jos u maju objavljeno da kupci koji tada kupe igru,u preorder-u – dobijaju besplatno expansion pack.