Firewatch is an upcoming first-person shooter game. Continue reading FIREWATCH
Category Archives: PC
Did Assassin’s Creed Unity have crafting? I can’t remember, and if it did, it was probably lost in its awful, dispiriting menus full of confusing icons, currencies and numbers. Continue reading ASSASSINS CREED SYNDICATE Includes Crafting
Woof Blaster is an action packed shooter about a dog with a gun and jet boots in search for all the pizza slices. Continue reading WOOF BLASTER
Piloteer je igra u kojoj ucite da letite.Pokusacete da uzletite koristeci jetpack i probacete sto duze da ostanete u vazduhu,jer to i jeste cilj igre. Continue reading PILOTEER
ADR1FT Will be Oculus Rift Title
Adr1ft, the “first-person experience” about dying horribly in the cold void of space, looks gorgeous, in the same sort of way that SOMA looks like it’ll be a lot of fun: The graphics are incredibly lifelike and the view is unbeatable, and that jagged piece of debris that’s coming at you like a bullet unless you do something about it in the next roughly two seconds. Continue reading ADR1FT Will be Oculus Rift Title
WOLFENSTEIN-new game on da horizon’
Alicja Bachleda-Curuś, who voiced Wolfenstein: The New Order’s Anya, has suggested there’s a new Wolfestein game in the works. Speaking to Polish TV station TVN, she revealed that they were “making a second one”—you’ll find the full quote, as translated by Eurogamer Poland, below. Continue reading WOLFENSTEIN-new game on da horizon’
HITMAN Delayed for March 2016
For all Hitman series fans comes a news about delaying this years version of Hitman game.Previously announced for december 8th 2015,Hitman has been scheduled for march 2016.This is not bad at all because it gives danish team IO Interactive enough time to set it right. Continue reading HITMAN Delayed for March 2016
NBA 2K16
A Spike Lee story mode and upgraded defensive controls help maintain 2K’s dominance. Continue reading NBA 2K16
CITIES SKYLINES : After Dark expansion 30% discount
Sounds almost like a horror title.Instead it’s expansion of the Cities Skylines.Anyhow,why does City Builders only focus on the daytime activities of your metropolis? That’s the issue Colossal Order is trying to address in the first expansion to Cities: Skylines, appropriately titled “After Dark”. The expansion goes live on September 24th for $14.99, but fans of the series need not pay full price. Continue reading CITIES SKYLINES : After Dark expansion 30% discount
Prison Architect is leaving Early Access in October—October 6 to be exact. However, Introversion’s prison management sim isn’t going to slip quietly out without raising the alarms: its story is being expanded with a new four-chapter campaign, while the game is getting a brand new mode upon release. Continue reading PRISON ARCHITECT