Category Archives: PC


Najbolje igre u 2015 su svakako stvar subjektivnog misljenja.Postoji vise od nekoliko kategorija u kojima bi se mogle ocenjivati,ali svakako medju nekoliko najboljih bi trebalo da spadaju one koje su najvise zaintrigirale kako publiku,tako i scenu.Nastavite da citate i igrate, a  pogledajte kako je procenio i ocenio nekoliko naslova  u 2015 koje,ako vec niste,treba da zaigrate . Continue reading BEST GAMES OF 2015 – SVET IGARA

The Triad Wars

The free-to-play online game Triad Wars, a follow-up to the 2012 action game Sleeping Dogs, was announced in the fall of 2013 and went into closed beta earlier this year. Chris spent some time with it and came away reasonably impressed, saying that while the beta was very limited in scope, he could “definitely sense some promise” in it. Alas, that promise may not be achieved, as the beta is being closed down. Continue reading The Triad Wars


We are the Dwarves is a new action-RPG with three unique protagonists that can be controlled separately or together. Either passively or by stopping the action altogether, players can issue commands using their wide variety of abilities.There is a lot of incoming dwarves  these days in the games – there is also  The Dwarves video game from German developers  KingArtGames, announced in june – we wrote about it in june 2015- here is the link – The Dwarves. Continue reading WE ARE THE DWARVES

Rise of the Tomb Raider -PC release date

Rise of the Tomb Raider za PC bi mogao da bude u prodaji 29.januara kako pretpostavljaportal Amazon.Igra je takodje dobila i svoju Steam stranicu,medjutim tu je datum oznacen kao januar 2016.Xbox verzija se pojavila na policama radnji 10.novembra,a vlasnici PS4 konzola ce morati da sacekaju decembar 2016. Continue reading Rise of the Tomb Raider -PC release date

Assassins Creed Syndicate review

Every year Assassin’s Creed series struggles th show the audience that every new game is truly a fresh experience.But is it so?Syndicate had to choose between ancient lore and underdeveloped modern-day elements and it chooses wisely leaves out multiplayer entirely, and pushes a lot of that baggage into the background, largely freeing itself up to make the most of Victorian London and have fun with sneaking, climbing, and stabbing. Continue reading Assassins Creed Syndicate review