Category Archives: online


Once a bustling location, Neverwinter has faced a great many disasters in the past hundred years. Rule of the city remains unclear following the unfortunate demise of the last Lord of Neverwinter and factions still battle for dominance after the all-consuming Spellplague took a high toll on the population. Even Neverwinter’s dead are beginning to rise and march upon the city they once called home. Continue reading Neverwinter


BlazeRush je trkacka igra koja vam omogucava da igrate solo ili u kooperativnom rezimu,zatim razne modove ,dodatke i ostale stvari koje su postojale i u verziji iz devedestih za Playstation.Na raznim mestima primecujem da je nazivaju “Rock’N’Roll racing game” .Eksplozivna vrsta zabave,koja odmah uvlaci u atmosferu igre je verovatno zasluzna za taj naziv. Continue reading BLAZERUSH