Yet another version of this game is going to be brought by Capcom.Ultimate in the title is reffered to in-game graphics.It was long time ago when you could say ultimate in this series about anything but graphic and engine itself. Continue reading Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition
Category Archives: horror
Dying Light
Another horror survival will be in front of us soon, but will this one can get better critique than the similar games in the past few years.We hope so. Trully. Continue reading Dying Light
Novi Wolfenstein ponovo vraca staru fransizu na scenu Continue reading WOLFENSTEIN:The New Order
Don’t Starve
Akciono-avanturisticka igra, postavljena u open-world i ispunjena survival humorom, najnovijom kategorijom, pokupila je mnogobrojne pohvale. PC verzija izasla je 23.aprila 2013., a 07.januara 2014. je preradjena za Sony Playstation. Continue reading Don’t Starve
Dugo se pricalo o ovom naslovu i iz studija Creative Assembly je konacno objavljeno da ce u drugoj polovini 2014.godine Alien:Isolation ugledati svetlost dana – tj. bljestavi displej monitora. Continue reading Alien:Isolation
Survival horror – Daylight stize u toku prvog kvartala (Q1) 2014. godine. U pitanju je psiholoski horor, koji se igra iz perspektive prvog lica. Continue reading DAYLIGHT