Category Archives: arcade

Metal Slug

Metal Slug (Japanese: メタルスラッグ Hepburn: Metaru Suraggu?) is a series primarily of run and gun video games created by SNK. Spin-off games include a third-person shooter and a tower defense game. Originally created for Neo-Geo arcade machines and game consoles, the original games have also been ported to other consoles, with several later games created for various other platforms. The games focus on the Peregrine Falcon Squad, a small group of soldiers who fight against a rebel army, aliens and various other forces intent on world domination. Continue reading Metal Slug


Kalimba je video igra o kojoj smo vec pisali s obzirom da je verzija za XboX izasla u decembru.U aprilu se pojavljuje verzija za PC koja ce biti veoma slicna Xbox rodjaku.U Kalimbi resavate zagonetke dok lagano ili ne bas lagano prelazite ovu platformu.Plemenita Samanka stiti ostrvo Kalimba i narod koji tu zivi koristeci totem.Medjutim,kao sto je i ocekivano,ostrvo ce biti napadnuto. Continue reading KALIMBA