U Dawn of Man preuzimate ulogu coveka ,zajednice,naseobine i vodite ih kroz vekove u njihovoj borbi za opstankom.MadrugaWorks su autori ove igre, a poznati su po igri Planetbase. Continue reading Dawn of Man
All posts by odoglocco
Valve Fixes Steam Security Exploit
A warning went up on the Steam subreddit earlier today cautioning Steam users—so, pretty much all of us—to avoid opening profile pages of other users, and also their own activity feeds. The message is intentionally vague to help avoid spreading details about the exploit and how to use it, but it was posted by a subreddit moderator, while another mod says he’s “investigated and created proofs of concept for this exploit.” Continue reading Valve Fixes Steam Security Exploit
Demise – FPS where you can see 360 degrees at once
Demise is a hard game because aside from shooting floating robo-things, you have to not puke. It’s an FPS that shows you everything around you at the same time: an entire 360 degree view mapped onto one screen. Continue reading Demise – FPS where you can see 360 degrees at once
Youtuber Avoids Jail After Pleading Guilty Towards FIFA Gambling Charges
Update: As reported by Eurogamer, the UK Gambling Commission has now commented on the sentencing of YouTuber Craig “Nepenthez” Douglas. Continue reading Youtuber Avoids Jail After Pleading Guilty Towards FIFA Gambling Charges
Enigami has released some gorgeous new screenshots from their upcoming action-RPG today showing off some new environments fromShiness expansive world. Continue reading SHINESS
The Division will be made into a movie
Tom Clancy’s The Division will be adapted into a film, Ubisoft announced this morning, joining Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs in its stable of movie projects underway. Continue reading The Division will be made into a movie
Space could present terrifying place if you are running low on oxygen.You can compare space to the deep ocean and who knows what is there.In this case,you’ll wake up as Alex Oshima,Commander of the NorthStar Spacestation IV after it has suffered a colossal disaster which leaves the station in several pieces.First thing you’ll try to do is to get your EVA suit.And of course,oxygen. Continue reading ADR1FT
The Witness New Trailer Reveals New Portion of it’s Beautiful World
Jonathan Blow has released another short trailer for his upcoming open world puzzle adventure game, The Witness. Continue reading The Witness New Trailer Reveals New Portion of it’s Beautiful World